
Chatbots are new trend in the technology ecosystem wherein all customer interactions will be handled without human intervention. In the fast-paced world, consumers have a high expectation from businesses when it comes to the speed and accuracy to get general questions answered. Chatbots help enterprises to offer excellent customer service in multiple languages all year round. To ease the purchasing process for a customer, a chatbot can pop up on any product page to support a customer with additional information, video content or a promo code. AI-based futuristic technology drive a seamless experience to customers 24X7 instantly.

Chatbots and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are getting pretty strong and smart. As artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep neural network application mature, each new generation of chatbots is bound to be better and better. Rule-based chatbots can be built with very simple or complicated set of rules. These bots can answer only to the questions in the pre-defined rules. In comparison, AI chatbots that use ML are proactive, built to understand the context and intent of a simple or complicated question before responding with an answer. Some of the popular open and closed source Chatbots: – Zoho, IBM Watson, Google Actions, Microsoft and Facebooks’ Bot platforms, Chat Beacon,

Before adopting a chatbot for your business, contact us. We will study and understand your business needs on why individuals might want to converse with chatbots rather than a live customer service agent. We provide accurate solution, AI-based or rule-based or a blend where in system can integrate customer support chatbots to cater to simple questions of prospective customers and pass on the complex issues to live customer service agents. Chatbots lower human errors and can be tuned for proactive communication, and a lead generation, and hence a much higher ROI.
Customer satisfaction is the key to success for every organization. With real-time Chat solutions, customer support can be provided at the speed of thought. How can we help?