Live Chat Agent

As more and more customers seek help online, customer chat jobs are becoming increasingly popular. In the years when companies started adding live chat features to their websites, the options have improved dramatically. As chat support grows, businesses need to offer their customers the best possible experience to be competitive. Questions are answered faster in live chat than by email or phone.

Live Chat Agent software solution helps engage, track and do live chat with customers. The software you use is an important factor in determining whether this impact is positive or negative. An effective live chat tool must be intuitive to use and accessible to both visitors and customers who need more information or help with an order.

Our team has tremendous experience benchmarking multiple Live chat tools that are easy-to-integrate and on-premise or cloud-based. In addition to basic chat features, We provide Chat solutions that helps tracking customer location, monitor customer activity and proactively pop-up with Ad campaigns and other suggestions based on activity. Canned comments, Screen sharing and co-browsing features help resolve customer queries faster. Customer can brand chat window with their logo, picture and other UI changes. Visitor website analytics can give a bulk load data about visitors’ right in front of you. Integration of Chat software with Call Center such as MiTel, Incontact or cloud-based, helps seamless transition from chat to voice call to provide immediate service resulting in highest customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is the key to success for every organization. With real-time Chat solutions, customer support can be provided at the speed of thought. How can we help?