Project Implementation

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a customized automated software that mimics the activity of a human worker in carrying out a task including data extraction and storing in to a database, signing in and out of systems, copy-paste data among multiple applications, fill out forms, run tasks and has intelligence way beyond screen-scraping or web-scraping. The software robots (bots) can do repetitive stuff more quickly, accurately, and untiringly. RPA has the intelligence to decide if a process should occur. Much like a human worker, RPA has its own virtual workstation with each robotic instance. RPA is a technology application that is driven by business logic and structured input, and that aims workflow automation.
RPA technologies are categorized into: Probots, Knowbots and Chatbots. Probots are rule based bots that process information. Knowbots gathers information searching the information. Chatbots are AI based bots that can answer to customers in real-time. The dynamic nature of RPA makes it a tool that drives digital transformation and the future of automation work. RPA products that are commonly used in the industry: UIPath, Kofax, BluePrism

Rule based system or knowledge based systems are specialized software that encapsulate “Human Intelligence” like knowledge there by make intelligent decisions quickly and in repeatable form.

Every organization, such as financial services, education services, Telecom, Healthcare, Energy, Supply chain management, etc. digitize and automate all aspects of their operations, but it is inevitable that some business processes requires human intervention on collecting, reviewing, copy & pasting information between systems and departments. In order to increase cost saving, reduce error reduction, increased efficiency, real-time performance, higher scalability, and simplifies audit process leaving behind digital log files, companies choose RPA technologies.

Choosing the right RPA solution might be challenging. We work very close with business and IT teams on what processes require automation, and price sensitivity, etc. and help find out which RPA solution would suit your business the best.